
  1. 横向き、肩の下に肘を置き、股関節と膝関節を曲げる。
  2. 肩と肩甲骨の位置を安定させ、次に、肘と大腿外側を支点にして、下側のお尻を天井方向に持ち上げる。





Bent Hip Side Bridge

  1. Lie down on your side with both knees and hips slightly bent so that the trunk is perpendicular to the mat and does not roll forward or back. The shoulder and elbow of the bottom upper extremity are bent to 90 degrees and your other hand placed on the mat to support.
  2. Push up in to a half-sitting position with support on the forearm, hand and the bottom knee. Straighten your spine with the trunk held perpendicular to the mat.