
  1. 横向き、下側の膝を軽く曲げる。
  2. (お腹に力を入れて)上側の下肢を、身体の軸よりもやや後方に、天井方向に上げる。
  3. ゆっくり下肢を下げる(母趾をベッドにつけても良い)。



Slide Lying Hip Abduction

  1. Lie down on your side with your lower knee bent.
  2. Lift your top leg up toward a celling behind your body. Your knee cap faces to the floor slightly . Slowly lower and touch your big toe to the floor and repeat it.
Common Mistakes
  • Rolling your pelvis back.
  • Raising your pelvis
  • Lifting your top leg in front of you