
  1. 座位、膝を伸ばし、膝の下に丸めたタオルを置く。膝のお皿は天井を向く。反対側の膝は曲げる。
  2. 丸めたタオルを押し、もも前の筋肉に力が入るのを感じる。5秒間、止める。
  • 大腿直筋に力が入りすぎる。
  • 膝よりも先に骨盤が動く。

Quad sets

  1. Sit the floor with your leg straight and the other leg bend. Put the rolled towel under your knee if you are unable to get your knee straight. Your knee cap point to the ceiling.
  2. Push down into the rolled towel and you can feel tighten the muscles on top of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds.
    You can also lift your heel from the floor so that your quads engaged.
    You try to make sure your knee cap pulling up toward your body and see your muscle bulk of forming in your thigh you want to do it.
Common mistakes
  • Overactivation of the rectus femoris which is the biggest and longest muscles of quadriceps.
  • Moving your pelvis earlier than your knee.