
  1. 横向き、足をクロスする。
  2. 膝のお皿を正面に向け、膝を伸ばした下側の下肢を天井方向に上げる。
  • 骨盤で引き上げる
  • 上側の膝が曲がる
  • 足先に力が入りすぎる


Side Lying Hip Adduction

  1. Lie down on your side with your top leg bent and your foot flat on the floor in front of you.
  2. Lift your bottom leg up toward a celling. Keep your knee straighten and your knee cap faces to front . Slowly return to start position.
Common mistakes
  • Raising your pelvis.
  • Bending your top knee.
  • Overactivation of your calf muscles